All roads lead to growth with Access1 Consulting and Training
Not having a clear direction to improve your practice’s internal revenue cycle team’s
ability to collect reimbursements quicker is frustrating, vexing, and downright scary.
The Access1 Consulting and Training Team has the expertise, patience, and leadership to
align our best practices with your facilities’ protocols and staff to ensure there are roads
and pathways for sustained success. Your individuals will have opportunities to not only
learn better efficiencies, but receive hands-on instruction within your software, so the
familiarity and corresponding confidence will be largely beneficial for success.
By giving the knowledge and tools to your existing teams, you will have happier and
empowered employees that will positively impact your revenue and payer reimbursements.
New staff especially if they are not familiar with
your current software platform
• Temps and interns
• Refresher courses
• Retraining exiting team members