CMS has responded to numerous requests to update and expand the MIPS eligibility look up tool. In the past, providers were able to look up their individual MIPS eligibility via the QPP page. Though this tool would only allow you to view individual eligibility. The most recent update now allows you to view MIPS eligibility at the TIN level. If you have multiple clinicians that bill Medicare under the same tax identification number you can now check eligibility for all providers in one easy step.
The increase in MIPS eligibility requirements from $30,000.00 in Medicare payments and at least 200 Medicare beneficiaries has left a lot of providers who were eligible for bonuses in 2017 on the outside looking in. We have spent a lot of time this year focusing on how providers who do not meet the increased eligibility requirements can still take advantage of the MIPS bonus opportunities. The easiest way is to participate as a group. If you a physician does not qualify as an individual they may still qualify at the TIN level.
If you used the QPP submission portal for 2017 reporting the hard work is already done. You can use your EIDM portal log-in on the CMS page to access the MIPS eligibility tool and check your status of your group. While your on that page you can also view your estimated MIPS score for the 2017 reporting period. If you haven’t set up your EIDM log-in or want some direction please contact an Access1 MIPS coach. We will walk you through the process and get you on the road to earning a MIPS score in 2018. Call 970-460-9392 or email us at [email protected] today to schedule a free MIPS assessment.