For the past 5 years Access1 has helped many clinicians and offices navigate Medicare incentive programs like Meaningful use. With 2017 comes the largest change to Medicare Reimbursement in over a generation in the form of the MACRA/MIPS program. As a result Access1 has renewed its focus on Medicare reimbursement coaching and support. We are pleased to announce that Joe Ernst has joined the Access1 team as a designated MIPS coach. Joe will be working with clinicians to insure that they get the highest MIPS score with the least amount of effort.
2017 is the first year for the MIPS program and thus the first year that many clinicians will be required to participate in a Medicare incentive program. In it’s first year MIPS provides a transitional period for clinicians to pick their reporting pace. Clinicians who meet MIPS requirements but do not participate in the program are subject to a 4% penalty. Working with a coach will help providers receive a high MIPS score and up to a 9% bonus on their medicare reimbursement.
Access1 has experience working with providers in a wide range of specialties, using many different medical software packages. Our knowledgeable coaches will help you select appropriate Quality Measures, guide you through the correct Advancing Care Initiatives, and help you select applicable Improvement Activities. Access1 allows you to focus on your patients, your staff and your practice while we take all the hard work out of MIPS. Call Mike and Joe today for a free evaluation. (970) 460-9392.